Interface EntityProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityProvider, EntityProviderExample.Foo

public interface EntityProvider

An EntityProvider is used to serialize entities using the StreamWriter interface. The EntityProvider interface can be implemented by applications to provide an efficient means of serializing non-FOM objects to Atom/XML.

Method Summary
 String getContentType()
          Return the mime content type of the serialized entity
 org.apache.abdera.util.EntityTag getEntityTag()
          Return the EntityTag of the entity,
 Date getLastModified()
          Return the Last-Modified date of the entity
 boolean isRepeatable()
          True if the serialization is repeatable.
 void writeTo(StreamWriter sw)
          Write to the specified StreamWriter

Method Detail


void writeTo(StreamWriter sw)
Write to the specified StreamWriter


boolean isRepeatable()
True if the serialization is repeatable.


String getContentType()
Return the mime content type of the serialized entity


org.apache.abdera.util.EntityTag getEntityTag()
Return the EntityTag of the entity,


Date getLastModified()
Return the Last-Modified date of the entity

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