Uses of Class

Packages that use IRI

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.examples.appserver.employee

Methods in org.apache.abdera.examples.appserver.employee with parameters of type IRI
 Employee EmployeeCollectionAdapter.postEntry(String title, IRI id, String summary, Date updated, List<Person> authors, Content content, RequestContext request)

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.factory

Methods in org.apache.abdera.factory with parameters of type IRI
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeBase(IRI iri)
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeIcon(IRI iri)
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeId(IRI iri)
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeIRIElement(QName qname, IRI iri)
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeIRIElement(String name, IRI iri)
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeIRIElement(String name, String namespace, IRI iri)
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeIRIElement(String name, String namespace, String prefix, IRI iri)
 StreamBuilder StreamBuilder.writeLogo(IRI iri)

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.i18n.iri

Methods in org.apache.abdera.i18n.iri that return IRI
 IRI IRI.normalize()
 IRI Scheme.normalize(IRI iri)
static IRI IRI.normalize(IRI iri)
 IRI AbstractScheme.normalize(IRI iri)
          Default return unmodified
 IRI IRI.relativize(IRI iri)
static IRI IRI.relativize(IRI b, IRI c)
 IRI IRI.resolve(IRI iri)
static IRI IRI.resolve(IRI b, IRI c)
static IRI IRI.resolve(IRI b, String c)
 IRI IRI.resolve(String iri)
 IRI IRI.trailingSlash()
          Returns a new IRI with a trailing slash appended to the path, if necessary

Methods in org.apache.abdera.i18n.iri with parameters of type IRI
static boolean IRIHelper.isJavascriptUri(IRI uri)
static boolean IRIHelper.isMailtoUri(IRI uri)
 IRI Scheme.normalize(IRI iri)
static IRI IRI.normalize(IRI iri)
 IRI AbstractScheme.normalize(IRI iri)
          Default return unmodified
 IRI IRI.relativize(IRI iri)
static IRI IRI.relativize(IRI b, IRI c)
 IRI IRI.resolve(IRI iri)
static IRI IRI.resolve(IRI b, IRI c)
static IRI IRI.resolve(IRI b, String c)

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.model

Methods in org.apache.abdera.model that return IRI
 IRI Source.getAlternateLinkResolvedHref()
 IRI Entry.getAlternateLinkResolvedHref()
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Source.getAlternateLinkResolvedHref(String type, String hreflang)
 IRI Entry.getAlternateLinkResolvedHref(String type, String hreflang)
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI ElementWrapper.getBaseUri()
 IRI Element.getBaseUri()
          Returns the value of this element's xml:base attribute or null if xml:base is undefined.
 IRI Document.getBaseUri()
          Returns the Base URI of the document.
 IRI Entry.getContentSrc()
          Returns the content/@src attribute, if any
 IRI Entry.getEditLinkResolvedHref()
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Entry.getEditMediaLinkResolvedHref()
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Entry.getEditMediaLinkResolvedHref(String type, String hreflang)
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Entry.getEnclosureLinkResolvedHref()
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Link.getHref()
          RFC4287: The "href" attribute contains the link's IRI. atom:link elements MUST have an href attribute, whose value MUST be a IRI reference [RFC3987].
 IRI Collection.getHref()
          Return the value of the app:collection elements href attribute
 IRI Categories.getHref()
          When contained within an app:collection element, the app:categories element can have an href attribute whose value MUST point to an Atompub Categories Document.
 IRI Source.getIcon()
          RFC4287: The "atom:icon" element's content is an IRI reference [RFC3987] that identifies an image that provides iconic visual identification for a feed...
 IRI Source.getId()
          Returns the universally unique identifier for this feed
 IRI Entry.getId()
          Returns the universally unique identifier for this entry
 IRI Source.getLinkResolvedHref(String rel)
 IRI Entry.getLinkResolvedHref(String rel)
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Source.getLogo()
          RFC4287: The "atom:logo" element's content is an IRI reference [RFC3987] that identifies an image that provides visual identification for a feed.
 IRI ElementWrapper.getResolvedBaseUri()
 IRI Element.getResolvedBaseUri()
          Returns the current in-scope, fully qualified Base URI for this element.
 IRI Link.getResolvedHref()
          Returns the value of the link's href attribute resolved against the in-scope Base IRI
 IRI Collection.getResolvedHref()
          Return the href attribute resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Categories.getResolvedHref()
          Returns the value of the href attribute resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Content.getResolvedSrc()
          Returns the fully qualified URI form of the content src attribute.
 IRI Generator.getResolvedUri()
          Returns the fully qualified form of the generator element's uri attribute (resolved against the in-scope Base URI)
 IRI IRIElement.getResolvedValue()
          Returns the value of the element resolved against the current in-scope Base URI
 IRI Category.getScheme()
          RFC4287: The "scheme" attribute is an IRI that identifies a categorization scheme.
 IRI Categories.getScheme()
          The app:categories element may specify a default scheme attribute for listed atom:category elements that do not have their own scheme attribute.
 IRI Source.getSelfLinkResolvedHref()
 IRI Entry.getSelfLinkResolvedHref()
          Return a link href resolved against the in-scope Base URI
 IRI Content.getSrc()
           RFC4287: atom:content MAY have a "src" attribute, whose value MUST be an IRI reference.
 IRI PersonWrapper.getUri()
 IRI Person.getUri()
          The "atom:uri" element's content conveys an IRI associated with the person.
 IRI Generator.getUri()
          The atom:generator element MAY have a "uri" attribute whose value MUST be an IRI reference [RFC3987].
 IRI IRIElement.getValue()
          Returns the value of the element as a

Methods in org.apache.abdera.model with parameters of type IRI
<T extends Element>
ElementWrapper.setBaseUri(IRI base)
<T extends Element>
Element.setBaseUri(IRI base)
          Sets the value of this element's xml:base attribute.
 Content Entry.setContent(IRI uri, String mediatype)
          Sets the content for this entry as out of line.

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.protocol

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol that return IRI
 IRI Message.getContentLocation()
          Return the value of the Content-Location header
 IRI Response.getLocation()
          Get the value of the Location response header

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server that return IRI
 IRI RequestContext.getBaseUri()
          Get the absolute base URI ... this is the request URI up to the Context Path of the web application within which the Abdera Servlet is deployed
 IRI RequestContext.getResolvedUri()
          Get the absolute request URI (includes server name, port, etc)
 IRI RequestContext.getUri()
          Get the request URI
static IRI ProviderHelper.resolveBase(RequestContext request)

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.adapters.jcr

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.adapters.jcr with parameters of type IRI
 javax.jcr.Node JcrCollectionAdapter.postEntry(String title, IRI id, String summary, Date updated, List<Person> authors, Content content, RequestContext request)

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.context

Fields in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.context declared as IRI
protected  IRI AbstractRequestContext.baseUri
protected  IRI AbstractRequestContext.requestUri

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.context that return IRI
 IRI RequestContextWrapper.getBaseUri()
 IRI AbstractRequestContext.getBaseUri()
 IRI ResponseContextWrapper.getContentLocation()
 IRI RequestContextWrapper.getContentLocation()
 IRI ResponseContextWrapper.getLocation()
 IRI RequestContextWrapper.getResolvedUri()
 IRI AbstractRequestContext.getResolvedUri()
 IRI RequestContextWrapper.getUri()
 IRI AbstractRequestContext.getUri()

Constructors in org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.context with parameters of type IRI
AbstractRequestContext(Provider provider, String method, IRI requestUri, IRI baseUri)

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.protocol.util

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.util that return IRI
 IRI AbstractMessage.getContentLocation()
 IRI AbstractResponse.getLocation()

Uses of IRI in org.apache.abdera.writer

Methods in org.apache.abdera.writer with parameters of type IRI
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeBase(IRI iri)
          Write the xml:base attribute
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeIcon(IRI iri)
          Write an atom:icon element
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeId(IRI iri)
          Write an atom:id element
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeIRIElement(QName qname, IRI iri)
          Write an IRI element
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeIRIElement(String name, IRI iri)
          Write an IRI element
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeIRIElement(String name, String namespace, IRI iri)
          Write an IRI element
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeIRIElement(String name, String namespace, String prefix, IRI iri)
          Write an IRI element
 StreamWriter StreamWriter.writeLogo(IRI iri)
          Write an atom:logo element

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