Uses of Class

Packages that use RequestOptions

Uses of RequestOptions in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client that return RequestOptions
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.addDateHeader(String header, Date value)
          Similar to setDateHeader but allows for multiple instances of the specified header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.addEncodedHeader(String header, String charset, String... values)
          Similar to setEncodedHeader, but allows for multiple instances of the specified header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.addEncodedHeader(String header, String charset, String value)
          Similar to setEncodedHeader, but allows for multiple instances of the specified header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.addHeader(String header, String... values)
          Similar to setHeader but allows for multiple instances of the specified header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.addHeader(String header, String value)
          Similar to setHeader but allows for multiple instances of the specified header
 RequestOptions AbderaClient.getDefaultRequestOptions()
          Get a copy of the default request options
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.removeHeaders(String name)
          Remove the specified HTTP header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.set4xxRequestException(boolean v)
          Set whether or not to throw a RequestExeption on 4xx responses
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.set5xxRequestException(boolean v)
          Set whether or not to throw a RequestExeption on 5xx responses
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAccept(String... accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAccept(String accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptCharset(String... accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept-Charset header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptCharset(String accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept-Charset header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptEncoding(String... accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept-Encoding header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptEncoding(String accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept-Encoding header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptLanguage(Locale... locales)
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptLanguage(Locale locale)
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptLanguage(String... accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept-Language header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAcceptLanguage(String accept)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Accept-Language header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setAuthorization(String auth)
          Set the value of the HTTP Authorization header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setCacheControl(String cc)
          Sets the value of the HTTP Cache-Control header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setConditionalPut(boolean conditional)
          True if HTTP Conditinal Request should be used automatically.
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setContentLocation(String iri)
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setContentType(javax.activation.MimeType value)
          Set the value of the HTTP Content-Type header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setContentType(String value)
          Set the value of the HTTP Content-Type header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setDateHeader(String header, Date value)
          Set the date value of the specified HTTP header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setEncodedHeader(String header, String charset, String... values)
          Set the values of a header using proper encoding of non-ascii characters
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setEncodedHeader(String header, String charset, String value)
          Set the value of a header using proper encoding of non-ascii characters
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setFollowRedirects(boolean followredirects)
          True if the client should follow redirects automatically
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setHeader(String header, String... values)
          Set the value of the specified HTTP header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setHeader(String header, String value)
          Set the value of the specified HTTP header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfMatch(org.apache.abdera.util.EntityTag... entity_tags)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfMatch(org.apache.abdera.util.EntityTag entity_tag)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfMatch(String... entity_tags)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfMatch(String entity_tag)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfModifiedSince(Date date)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-Modified-Since header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfNoneMatch(org.apache.abdera.util.EntityTag... entity_tags)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-None-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfNoneMatch(org.apache.abdera.util.EntityTag entity_tag)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-None-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfNoneMatch(String... entity_tags)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-None-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfNoneMatch(String entity_tag)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-None-Match header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setIfUnmodifiedSince(Date date)
          Sets the value of the HTTP If-Unmodified-Since header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setRevalidateWithAuth(boolean revalidateAuth)
          Configure the AbderaClient Side cache to revalidate when using Authorization
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setSlug(String slug)
          Sets the value of the Atom Publishing Protocol Slug header
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setUseChunked(boolean useChunked)
          Set whether the request should use chunked encoding.
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setUseExpectContinue(boolean useExpect)
          Set whether or not to use the HTTP Expect-Continue mechanism (enabled by default)
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setUseLocalCache(boolean use_cache)
          True if the local client cache should be used
 RequestOptions RequestOptions.setUsePostOverride(boolean useOverride)
          Set whether the request should use the X-HTTP-Method-Override option

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client with parameters of type RequestOptions
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.delete(String uri, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP DELETE request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.execute(String method, String uri, Base base, RequestOptions options)
          Sends the specified method request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.execute(String method, String uri, EntityProvider provider, RequestOptions options)
          Sends the specified method request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.execute(String method, String uri, InputStream in, RequestOptions options)
          Sends the specified method request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.execute(String method, String uri, org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity entity, RequestOptions options)
          Sends the specified method request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.get(String uri, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.head(String uri, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP HEAD request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse uri, Base base, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse uri, EntityProvider provider, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse uri, Entry entry, InputStream media, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse uri, Entry entry, InputStream media, String contentType, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse uri, InputStream in, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse uri, org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity entity, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.put(String uri, Base base, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.put(String uri, EntityProvider provider, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.put(String uri, InputStream in, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified URI.
 ClientResponse AbderaClient.put(String uri, org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity entity, RequestOptions options)
          Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified URI.

Uses of RequestOptions in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.cache

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.cache with parameters of type RequestOptions
 Cache.Disposition Cache.disposition(Object key, RequestOptions options)
          Get the disposition of a specific item
 Cache.Disposition AbstractCache.disposition(Object key, RequestOptions options)
 ClientResponse Cache.update(Object key, RequestOptions options, ClientResponse response, ClientResponse cached_response)
          Update the cached item
 ClientResponse AbstractCache.update(Object key, RequestOptions options, ClientResponse response, ClientResponse cached_response)

Uses of RequestOptions in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.util

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.util that return RequestOptions
static RequestOptions MethodHelper.createDefaultRequestOptions()

Methods in org.apache.abdera.protocol.client.util with parameters of type RequestOptions
static org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod MethodHelper.createMethod(String method, String uri, org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity entity, RequestOptions options)

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